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Special events & collections

Portraits & candids from in-person appearances
Photos courtesy of fans and professionals.


  "Silver Tongues" screening
Brooklyn, NY, Nov. 23, 2011
  "Vengeance is the Lord's"
Boston, Dec. 4, 2010
  "The Godfather IV"
New York City, May 2, 1010
  "Good Boys and True"
New York City, May 31, 2008

On location with "Wanted"
Los Angeles, August 2005
  "The Foreigner"
New York City, November 2004

Portraits by Christy Bright
New York City, July 2003

"Oz" cast book signings
Los Angeles, March 2003
New York City, February 2003

"The Exonerated"
New York City, January 2003

"The Day Jack London Got Pinched"
New York City, December 2002

"Oz" sixth season premiere party
New York City, December 2002

The Oz Portraits by Jim Cox and VIP opening
New York City, October 2002

GLAAD Capital Awards Brunch
Washington, DC, May 2002

"Oz" cast DVD signing
New York City, March 2002

Breast Fest 2001
Austin, Texas, September 2001

GLAAD Awards
New York City, April 2000