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Point Pleasant

Unaired pilot, 2004

Lee Tergesen was in the original version of the pilot for "Point Pleasant," as a character named Thomas -- a henchman of Satan. 

The pilot was originally shot in the spring of 2004, and Fox TV network ordered 13 episodes in September 2004. 

But in November 2004, Fox announced that the show had been revamped, with several roles being recast and others expanded. Lee's character apparently morphed into "the mysterious and charismatic Lucas Boyd," played by Grant Show of "Melrose Place" fame. 

Thus, Lee wasn't in the version of the pilot that aired Jan. 19, 2005. But tapes of the original pilot exist. Click here to see Lee's deleted scene. (I have spliced the scene together. It was in two parts in the unaired pilot -- he appeared at the beginning and the end of the show. His conversation with the character Kingston Nickson bracketed the show and was filmed in a moody, magenta filter.)

"Point Pleasant" has been described as a cross between "Peyton Place" and "The Omen." Elisabeth Harnois plays the lead role of Christina Nickson, whose father is Satan and whose mother was a woman from Point Pleasant.

Fox canceled the show after eight episodes aired in the U.S.

Episode Gallery

Satan's henchman

Video Clip

Lee's (deleted) scene

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TV Tome info

Point Pleasant site
at Fox TV